The deflazacort



El deflazacort, un derivado de oxazolina de la prednisolona, ​​se ha estudiado por sus propiedades farmacológicas y eficacia terapéutica en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide, la artritis crónica juvenil, el lupus eritematoso sistémico(LES), el síndrome nefrótico, la distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD), la epilepsia resistente a los medicamentos

También se utiliza en muchas otras patologías que requieren tratamientos esteroideos a largo plazo como el pénfigo vulgar, ya que se ha demostrado que sus efectos secundarios son menores a los dela clásica prednisona,

Esta catalogado como un fármaco antiinflamatorio e inmunosupresor, similar a otros corticosteroides como la prednisona. Sin embargo, se ha relacionado con un perfil superior de efectos secundarios, particularmente en términos de salud metabólica y ósea. 

Salió al mercado en 1980 comercializado por el laboratorio Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) y otros

Usos y ventajas sobre la prednisona: 

1. Artritis reumatoide y artritis crónica juvenil: Se ha demostrado que el deflazacort es igualmente eficaz en esta patología que la misma prednisona, y de hecho la perdida ósea es menor. por lo que en terapias de largo plazo representa una ventaja. 

2. Lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES):  el deflazacort ha demostrado una eficacia similar a la prednisona en el control de la actividad de la enfermedad del LES. Es importante destacar que los pacientes que tomaron deflazacort experimentaron significativamente menos aumento de peso, hirsutismo y características cushingoides en comparación con los que tomaron prednisona

3. Salud ósea: Estudios a largo plazo han indicado que el deflazacort induce una menor pérdida ósea trabecular en comparación con la prednisona. Esto es particularmente relevante para prevenir la osteoporosis inducida por glucocorticoides, un efecto secundario común y grave del uso crónico de corticosteroides. 

4. Distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD): Se ha demostrado que fármaco es eficaz para preservar la fuerza muscular en niños con DMD, con un menor aumento de peso en comparación con la prednisona. 

5. Epilepsia resistente a fármacos: En niños con epilepsia resistente a fármacos, el deflazacort fue tan eficaz como la hidrocortisona, pero tuvo un perfil de seguridad significativamente mejor, con menos eventos adversos y una tasa de recaída de convulsiones más baja.

6. Efectos metabólicos: El deflazacort se ha asociado con menos efectos diabetogénicos en comparación con la prednisona, lo que lo convierte en una opción potencialmente más segura para los pacientes con riesgo de complicaciones metabólicas. 

Otras ventajas del Deflazacort: 

1.) Menor Retención de Sodio: A diferencia de la prednisona, el deflazacort tiene un efecto mineralocorticoide más bajo, lo que reduce la retención de sodio y la hipertensión. 

2.) Menor Impacto en el Metabolismo Glucídico: El deflazacort tiende a tener un menor impacto negativo sobre el metabolismo de la glucosa, lo que es beneficioso para pacientes con riesgo de diabetes. 

3.) Efectos Antiinflamatorios Potentes: Aunque ambos medicamentos son eficaces en la reducción de la inflamación, el deflazacort puede ofrecer un perfil más favorable en términos de efectos adversos.

Hay que destacar que la prednisona es mas potente que el  deflazacort, en muchas patologías se inicial el cuadro agudo con prednisona, una vez estabilizado el paciente se le cambia a deflazacort por los ya comentados menores efectos secundarios a largo plazo.


Dr. José Lapenta.


Deflazacort, an oxazoline derivative of prednisolone, has been studied for its pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile chronic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), nephrotic syndrome, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), drug-resistant epilepsy.

It is also used in many other pathologies that require long-term steroid treatments such as pemphigus vulgaris, since its side effects have been shown to be less than those of classic prednisone.

It is classified as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drug, similar to other corticosteroids such as prednisone. However, it has been linked to a lower side effect profile, particularly in terms of metabolic and bone health.

It was launched in 1980 by Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) and other laboratories.

Uses and advantages over prednisone:

1.) Rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile chronic arthritis: Deflazacort has been shown to be equally effective in this pathology as prednisone itself, and in fact, bone loss is less, so in long-term therapies it represents an advantage.

2.) Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): Deflazacort has shown similar efficacy to prednisone in controlling the disease activity of SLE. It is important to note that patients who took deflazacort experienced significantly less weight gain, hirsutism, and Cushingoid features compared to those who took prednisone

3.) Bone health: Long-term studies have indicated that deflazacort induces less trabecular bone loss compared to prednisone. This is particularly relevant for preventing glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, a common and serious side effect of chronic corticosteroid use.

4.) Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD): The drug has been shown to be effective in preserving muscle strength in boys with DMD, with less weight gain compared to prednisone.

5.) Drug-resistant epilepsy: In boys with drug-resistant epilepsy, deflazacort was as effective as hydrocortisone, but had a significantly better safety profile, with fewer adverse events and a lower seizure relapse rate.

6.) Metabolic effects: Deflazacort has been associated with fewer diabetogenic effects compared to prednisone, making it a potentially safer option for patients at risk for metabolic complications.

Other advantages of Deflazacort:

1.) Lower Sodium Retention: Unlike prednisone, deflazacort has a lower mineralocorticoid effect, which reduces sodium retention and hypertension.

2.) Lower Impact on Glucose Metabolism: Deflazacort tends to have a lower negative impact on glucose metabolism, which is beneficial for patients at risk for diabetes.

3.) Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Although both medications are effective in reducing inflammation, deflazacort may offer a more favorable profile in terms of adverse effects.

It should be noted that prednisone is more potent than deflazacort. In many pathologies, the acute condition is initially started with prednisone. Once the patient is stabilized, they are switched to deflazacort due to the aforementioned lower long-term side effects.


Dr. José Lapenta.

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05 FEBRUARY 1.999



Hola amigos dermatologos de la red, de nuevo DERMAGIC con ustedes. 

El DEFLAZACORT, es un esteroide relativamente nuevo, aparentemente tiene algunas ventajas sobre otros esteroides tradicionales, pero todavia la prednisona y metilprednisolona, siguen siendo los favoritos. Estas referencias nos aclaran un poco este tema interesante. Al final una monografia del producto en Portugues e ingles.


de el Calcort en INGLES. Use un traductor Web Portugues a ingles. 

Gracias a TODOS por los correos de CONFIRMACION de la lista, DERMAGIC seguira adelante y ahora con mas fuerza que antes !!! 

Saludos a TODOS,,, 

Hasta una nueva oportunidad !!!

Dr. Jose Lapenta R.,,,



Hello friends dermatologist of the net, again DERMAGIC with you. 

The DEFLAZACORT, is a relatively new steroid, seemingly he has some advantages on other traditional steroids, but still the prednisone and methylprednisolone, they continue being the favorite ones. These references clarify us a little this interesting topic. At the end a monograph of the product in Portuguese, and english

I didn't find in ANY web pages of HOECHST MARION ROUSSEL S.A of the Calcort in ENGLISH. 

I use a web translator from Portuguese to ENGLISH. 

Thanks to ALL for the E-mail CONFIRMATION of the list, DERMAGIC will continue ahead and 

now with more impulse !!! 

Greetings to ALL, 

Dr. José Lapenta,

Until a new opportunity, !!!



****** DATA-MEDICOS **********








1.) Changes in bone mass during low dose corticosteroid treatment in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica: a double blind, prospective comparison between prednisolone and deflazacort.

2.) [Vascular hyperfragility in systemic lupus erythematosus treated with low doses of cortisone]

3.) [Toxic epidermal necrolysis in a patient treated with high doses of deflazacort (letter)]

4.) Transient osteoporosis of the hip: successful response to deflazacort.

5.) A longterm prospective study of the equipotency between deflazacort and prednisolone in the treatment of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica.

6.) Deflazacort. A review of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy.

7.) Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic evaluation of deflazacort in comparison to methylprednisolone and prednisolone.

8.) Deflazacort versus methylprednisolone in polymyalgia rheumatica: clinical equivalence and relative antiinflammatory potency of different treatment regimens.

9.) Differential effects of glucocorticoids on human osteoblastic cell metabolism in vitro.

10.) Deflazacort protects against late-phase but not early-phase reactions induced by the allergen-specific conjunctival provocation test.

11.) Effect of therapy with a new glucocorticoid, deflazacort, on linear growth and growth hormone secretion after renal transplantation.

12.) Effect of low doses of deflazacort vs prednisone on bone mineral content in premenopausal rheumatoid arthritis.

13.) Juvenile pemphigus vulgaris: efficacy of moderate doses of deflazacort.

14.) Randomized, double-blind trial of deflazacort versus prednisone in juvenile chronic (or rheumatoid) arthritis: a relatively bone-sparing effect of deflazacort.

15.) Immunosuppressive effects of deflazacort - a new glucocorticoid with bone-sparing and carbohydrate-sparing properties: comparison with prednisone.

16.) Sex hormones and bone metabolism in postmenopausal rheumatoid arthritis treated with two different glucocorticoids.


17.) CALCORT®- DeflazacortUSO ADULTO E PEDIÁTRICO, the product, in Portuguese

18.) CALCORT®- Deflazacort ADULT USE AND PEDIÁTRIC the product, in English



1.) Changes in bone mass during low dose corticosteroid treatment in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica: a double blind, prospective comparison between prednisolone and deflazacort.


AU: Krogsgaard-MR; Thamsborg-G; Lund-B

SO: Ann-Rheum-Dis. 1996 Feb; 55(2): 143-6

ISSN: 0003-4967


AB: OBJECTIVE: To compare the long term effects of low dosage prednisolone or deflazacort treatments on bone mass in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica. METHODS: Thirty patients with polymyalgia rheumatica were allocated on a random double blind basis to receive treatment with prednisolone or deflazacort. Bone mineral content (BMC) was measured in the lumbar spine and in the distal forearm before treatment and three, six, and 12 months after treatment. RESULTS: At three months the decrease in lumbar BMC and bone mineral density (BMD) was significantly greater in the deflazacort group than in the prednisolone group (p < 0.05), but at six and 12 months there was no difference between the two groups. In all patients after one year there was a significant loss of BMC: a 6.4% loss in lumbar BMC and a 1.8% loss in distal forearm BMC. Loss in lumbar BMC after six months was correlated to the cumulative dose of corticosteroid (r = 0.4; p < 0.05) and was significantly greater in the group of patients who had persisting symptoms of polymyalgia at six weeks, three months, or both, after treatment started (p = 0.05). CONCLUSION: This low dose study failed to reveal any calcium sparing properties of deflazacort compared with prednisolone. Possible explanations for this finding are discussed.


2.) [Vascular hyperfragility in systemic lupus erythematosus treated with low doses of cortisone]


AU: Longo-F; Di-Leo-G; Lepore-L; Pennesi-M

SO: Pediatr-Med-Chir. 1995 Nov-Dec; 17(6): 535-7

ISSN: 0391-5387


AB: We report an unusual cutaneous manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in a 15-year old female. The diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical symptoms, cutaneous hystology (positive "lupus band test") and on laboratory findings (hypocomplementemia, positive antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factor). Treatment with methylprednisolone (0.5 mg/kg/die) improved the clinical symptoms but, after 2 months, large ecchymotic lesions appeared on the lower legs below the knee extending as far as the ankles, likely triggered by minor local traumas. Coagulative function was normal, the lupic anti-coagulant factor (LAF) was negative, anticardiolipin antibodies were absent and there was no thrombocytopenia. There was only a slight increase in clotting times in vitro, in presence of ADP. The amount of cortisone was reduced and the type of treatment modified; satisfactory control of the disease was attained with deflazacort (0.3 mg/kg/die). The ecchymosis on the lower limbs never disappeared even though they became slightly smaller. Ecchymotic lesions are not usually included in the wide range of cutaneous manifestations associated with SLE. Moreover vascular fragility resulting from pressure and minor traumas is known to be a cutaneous complication of hypercorticism; nevertheless the doses of cortisone administered to this patient were rather low and other clinical signs of steroid hyper-dosing were absent although cortisolemia assay at base and after stimulus with ACTH was not performed. We would suggest that the negligible platelet binding defect (whether primary or SLE-associated) together with the low amounts of cortisone administered caused ecchymotic lesions to appear in this patient suffering from a disease (SLE), in which the small cutaneous vessels are favourite targets.

AN: 96274506


3.) [Toxic epidermal necrolysis in a patient treated with high doses of deflazacort (letter)]


AU: Navarro-Llanos-A; Elizalde-Eguinoa-J; Boto-de-los-Bueys-B; Pujol-de-la-Llave-E

SO: Med-Clin-Barc. 1996 Apr 20; 106(15): 599

ISSN: 0025-7753


AN: 96243322



4.) Transient osteoporosis of the hip: successful response to deflazacort.


AU: Carmona-Ortells-L; Carvajal-Mendez-I; Garcia-Vadillo-JA; Alvaro-Gracia-JM; Gonzalez-Alvaro-I

SO: Clin-Exp-Rheumatol. 1995 Sep-Oct; 13(5): 653-5

ISSN: 0392-856X


AB: Transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) is an uncommon condition with a poorly defined aetiology. Despite its benign prognosis, its long clinical course causes a prolonged period of functional disability in middle-aged patients. We describe two patients with TOH who showed a rapid response to deflazacort, a bone-sparing corticoid. Deflazacort may become a useful tool to shorten the otherwise lengthy recovery period of 


5.) A longterm prospective study of the equipotency between deflazacort and prednisolone in the treatment of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica.


AU: Krogsgaard-MR; Lund-B; Johnsson-B

SO: J-Rheumatol. 1995 Sep; 22(9): 1660-2

ISSN: 0315-162X


AB: OBJECTIVE. The aim of the study was to establish the antiinflammatory equipotency between prednisolone and deflazacort. METHODS. Thirty patients with newly diagnosed polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) were treated double blind with either prednisolone or deflazacort in a 12-month study. The initial daily dose was 20 mg prednisolone or 24 mg deflazacort. RESULTS. The clinical control of muscle pain was significantly inferior in the deflazacort group from 6 weeks to 3 months. Otherwise there was no difference in the clinical and biochemical variables. The ratio between antiinflammatory equipotent doses of deflazacort and prednisolone (mg:mg) stabilized at about 1.55 for the daily doses and about 1.40 for the cumulative doses. CONCLUSION. In PMR the antiinflammatory equipotency (mg to mg) between deflazacort and prednisolone was close to 1.40 (7:5 mg). Twenty mg prednisolone/day was fully sufficient to suppress symptoms in 94% of the patients.

AN: 96064221


6.) Deflazacort. A review of its pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy.


AU: Markham-A; Bryson-HM

SO: Drugs. 1995 Aug; 50(2): 317-33

ISSN: 0012-6667


AB: Deflazacort is an oxazoline derivative of prednisolone with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity. Both short (4 to 6 weeks) and longer term (13 to 52 weeks) studies have shown deflazacort to be as effective as prednisone or methylprednisolone in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The drug was at least as effective as prednisone in children with juvenile chronic arthritis. Insufficient data are available to draw firm conclusions regarding the efficacy of deflazacort as treatment for patients with severe asthma, but the drug has demonstrated some efficacy as treatment for nephrotic syndrome and other applications such as Duchenne dystrophy, systemic lupus erythematosus, uveitis and transplantation. The overall incidence of adverse events in deflazacort recipients (16.5%) is lower than that recorded in patients treated with prednisone (20.5%) or methylprednisolone (32.7%) and similar to that in betamethasone recipients (15.3%). Gastrointestinal symptoms are the most frequently reported adverse events in deflazacort recipients; other adverse events associated with the drug include metabolic and nutritional disorders, central and peripheral nervous system disturbances and psychiatric disorders. In general, deflazacort appears to have less effect than prednisone on parameters which may be associated with the development of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis. Further, the drug appears have less negative impact on growth rate in children with diseases requiring corticosteroid therapy. In a study of 2 months' duration in patients with conditions requiring corticosteroid treatment, moderate dosages of deflazacort produced no clinically relevant diabetogenic effects. Thus, deflazacort may be associated with less serious metabolic sequelae than prednisone but further well designed long term trials are required to confirm this. In the meantime, in adults, deflazacort should be reserved for use in those pre-disposed to, or who develop, intolerable metabolic sequelae during treatment with corticosteroids. In children, however, even though available efficacy data are minimal, deflazacort should be considered as an initial option in those requiring corticosteroid therapy since the adverse effects caused by this drug class are particularly debilitating in this patient group.


7.) Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic evaluation of deflazacort in comparison to methylprednisolone and prednisolone.


AU: Mollmann-H; Hochhaus-G; Rohatagi-S; Barth-J; Derendorf-H

SO: Pharm-Res. 1995 Jul; 12(7): 1096-100

ISSN: 0724-8741


AB: PURPOSE. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of deflazacort after oral administration (30 mg) to healthy volunteers were determined and compared with those of 20 mg of methylprednisolone and 25 mg of prednisolone. METHODS. Methylprednisolone, prednisolone and the active metabolite of deflazacort, 21-desacetyldeflazacort, were measured in plasma using HPLC. For the assessment of pharmacodynamics, differential white blood cell counts were obtained over 24 hours. An integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) model was applied to link corticosteroid concentrations to the effect on lymphocytes and granulocytes. RESULTS. Deflazacort is an inactive prodrug which is converted rapidly to the active metabolite 21-desacetyldeflazacort. Maximum concentrations of 21-desacetyldeflazacort averaged 116 ng/ml and were observed after 1.3 h. The average area under the curve was 280 ng/ml.h, and the terminal half-life was 1.3 h. 21-Desacetyldeflazacort was cleared significantly faster than both methylprednisolone and prednisolone. The PK-PD-model was suitable to describe time course and magnitude of the observed effects. The results were consistent with reported values for glucocorticoid receptor binding affinities for the investigated compounds. CONCLUSIONS. Due to the short pharmacokinetic half-life of its active metabolite, pharmacodynamic effects of deflazacort are of shorter duration than those of methylprednisolone and prednisolone. The PK-PD model allows good prediction of pharmacodynamic effects based on pharmacokinetic and receptor binding data.

AN: 96114923


8.) Deflazacort versus methylprednisolone in polymyalgia rheumatica: clinical equivalence and relative antiinflammatory potency of different treatment regimens.


AU: Di-Munno-O; Imbimbo-B; Mazzantini-M; Milani-S; Occhipinti-G; Pasero-G

SO: J-Rheumatol. 1995 Aug; 22(8): 1492-8

ISSN: 0315-162X


AB: OBJECTIVE. To assess the clinical efficacy and equivalence of a daily vs alternate day regimen, and the potency ratio between 2 glucocorticoids, deflazacort and 6-methylprednisolone. METHODS. Thirty-one patients with recent onset polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) were randomly assigned to deflazacort (n = 16) or 6-methylprednisolone (n = 15), according to a 2 period (duration of each period = 6 weeks), crossover, open design for comparing 2 dose regimens (daily vs alternate day), and according to a between-patients, double blind design for comparing the therapeutic effects of the 2 glucocorticoids (deflazacort vs 6-methylprednisolone). The patients, either during alternate day or daily regimen, were treated with fixed oral doses for the first 2 weeks (assuming a potency ratio deflazacort/6-methylprednisolone of 1.5 mg/1.0 mg: deflazacort 24 mg or 6-methylprednisolone 16 mg, daily; deflazacort 48 mg or 6-methylprednisolone 32 mg, alternate day), and with titrated doses for the next 10 weeks. RESULTS. Two patients dropped out during the first 6 week period. The time course and extent of the improvement of disease activity indices (limb-girdle pain, morning stiffness, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, and plasma fibrinogen) were not statistically different under the 2 regimens. The satisfactory equivalent glucocorticoid response observed in 12 pairs of patients treated with deflazacort and 6-methylprednisolone progressed significantly from baseline to the end of the study, under daily or alternate day regimen, with no significant difference between the 2 glucocorticoids. Deflazacort proved less potent than 6-methylprednisolone (1.78 mg: 1.0 mg minimum effective daily dose; 1.68: 1.0, alternate day), but equally effective. CONCLUSION. The 2 dose regimens, 6-methylprednisolone and deflazacort showed no significant differences in terms of efficacy during the short term treatment of PMR. Deflazacort proved less potent than initially estimated.


9.) Differential effects of glucocorticoids on human osteoblastic cell metabolism in vitro.


AU: Kasperk-C; Schneider-U; Sommer-U; Niethard-F; Ziegler-R

SO: Calcif-Tissue-Int. 1995 Aug; 57(2): 120-6

ISSN: 0171-967X


AB: Clinical observations suggest that the onset and severity of glucocorticoid (GC) induced osteoporosis is dependent on the duration of the GC treatment and the applied GC compound. To test whether these in vivo observations are reflected by different in vitro effects of various synthetic GCs on human bone cell metabolism we isolated human osteoblast-like cells (HOC) from bone biopsies of healthy (no clinical symptoms of arthritis or arthrosis) adults who underwent selective orthopedic surgery. HOC were identified as bone cells by 1,25-vitamin D3-stimulated increase of specific alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, secretion of osteocalcin and type-I procollagen peptide, and the ability to form mineral in vitro. We investigated the effects of dexamethasone (dexa), methylprednisolone (mpred), prednisolone (pred), and deflazacort (defla) on DNA-synthesis, ALP, and osteocalcin (OC)- and type-I procollagen peptide secretion of HOC in vitro. In summary, (1) GC exposure stimulates DNA synthesis after 6-12 hour treatment periods; (2) dex and mpred strongly inhibit DNA (48-hour treatment) and collagen synthesis but stimulate ALP, whereas pred and defla exhibit smaller effects on DNA synthesis, ALP, and collagen production; and (3) all tested glucocorticoids inhibit OC secretion by HOC in vitro. Thus, the effect of GC on DNA synthesis of HOC varies with the duration of GC exposure, and dex and mpred more potently affect HOC metabolism in vitro than pred and defla.


10.) Deflazacort protects against late-phase but not early-phase reactions induced by the allergen-specific conjunctival provocation test.


SO - Allergy 1993 Aug;48(6):421-30

AU - Ciprandi G; Buscaglia S; Pesce GP; Iudice A; Bagnasco M; Canonica GW

AD - Department of Internal Medicine, DI.M.I., University of Genoa, Italy.


AB - The protective effects of deflazacort against the inflammation that follows the conjunctival provocation test (CPT) by specific allergen were assessed in 24 patients with rhinoconjunctivitis caused by Parietaria judaica in a double-blind study. After a screening CPT, patients were randomized into four treatment groups, each being given deflazacort (oral tablets) at 6, 30, and 60 mg once daily, or matching placebo, for 3 d, outside the pollen season. Clinical evaluation (itching, hyperemia, lacrimation, and swelling of eyelids) and cytologic assessment (number of inflammatory cells in conjunctival scraping and evaluation of ICAM (intercellular adhesion molecule)-1/CD54 expression on epithelial cells) were performed at base line, 30 min (early-phase reaction (EPR), 6 h and 24 h (late-phase reaction (LPR)) after specific CPT, and before and after treatment. Neither the EPR clinical reactions nor the EPR total number of inflammatory cells was modified by deflazacort. However, the LPR clinical effects were significantly reduced by deflazacort at 30 or 60 mg/d (P 0.01), as compared with placebo. The total number of inflammatory cells during LPR was significantly reduced by deflazacort at 30 or 60 mg/d (P 0.01), as compared with placebo. Furthermore, CD54 expression was significantly reduced by deflazacort at 30 or 60 mg/d both in the EPR (P 0.01) and LPR (P 0.01), as compared with placebo. None of the studied indicators were modified at the 6 mg/d dose. This study shows that deflazacort has a highly protective action against clinical and cellular LPR effects induced by the specific CPT. In addition, deflazacort markedly reduces CD54 expression on the conjunctival epithelium during both EPR and LPR.


11.) Effect of therapy with a new glucocorticoid, deflazacort, on linear growth and growth hormone secretion after renal transplantation.


SO - J Pediatr 1992 Nov;121(5 Pt 1):809-13

AU - Ferraris JR; Day PF; Gutman R; Granillo E; Ramirez J; Ruiz S; Pasqualini T

AD - Departamento de Pediatria, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


AB - Deflazacort is an oxazoline compound derived from prednisolone with similar antiinflammatory effects but fewer side effects. We studied changes in kidney function, growth velocity, weight/height ratio, and growth hormone secretion before and a year after substitution of deflazacort for methylprednisone in nine patients aged 9 to 15 years, 4 years after renal transplantation; all were in Tanner pubertal stage 1. Methylprednisone (mean +/- SEM: 0.2 +/- 0.02 mg/kg per day) was replaced by deflazacort (0.3 +/- 0.03 mg/kg per day) for a mean period of 15 months. Serum creatinine and calculated creatinine clearance did not change significantly during deflazacort treatment. Growth velocity increased from 1.5 +/- 0.3 to 3.2 +/- 0.5 cm/yr (p 0.005) in the nine patients. Weight/height ratio decreased from 28.4% +/- 8.5% to 16% +/- 6.7% (p 0.005). Cushingoid appearance decreased in all patients. Mean spontaneous growth hormone secretion increased from 2.5 +/- 0.4 to 4.4 +/- 1.2 ng/ml (p 0.05). Our findings indicate that immunosuppressive treatment with deflazacort is as effective as methylprednisone and is associated with fewer side effects.


12.) Effect of low doses of deflazacort vs prednisone on bone mineral content in premenopausal rheumatoid arthritis.


SO - J Rheumatol 1992 Oct;19(10):1520-6

AU - Messina OD; Barreira JC; Zanchetta JR; Maldonado-Cocco JA; Bogado CE; Sebastian ON; Flores D; Riopedre AM; Redondo G; Lazaro A

AD - Department of Rheumatology, C. Argerich Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


AB - Longterm administration of steroid drugs, particularly prednisone, is known to induce osteoporosis, as well as bone growth inhibition and delayed fracture union. Recently deflazacort, an oxazoline prednisone derivative, has been developed to reduce such deleterious effects. We carried out a comparative study in premenopausal patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Sixteen cases whose mean age was 36.5 years and mean disease duration 29 months, all fulfilling ARA criteria, were evaluated in a randomized, double blind trial. Visually identical deflazacort or prednisone capsules were given and patients were instructed to maintain an adequate calcium intake. Laboratory tests focussed on bone mineral density in lumbar spine, femoral neck and Ward's triangle and whole body mineral content. Differences between baseline and 12-month values were processed statistically. Persistent synovitis control proved similar for both drugs and features suggestive of Cushing's syndrome were only found in the prednisone group. The difference in whole body bone mineral content between the deflazacort and prednisone groups just failed to reach statistical significance. In the deflazacort group, the difference between the nonsignificant bone mineral density increase at the femoral neck and the significant decrease in the prednisone group proved statistically significant. Ward's triangle was the most sensitive area to bone mineral density changes in patients receiving prednisone, with a highly significant intergroup difference (p 0.01). We believe this is the first study on corticosteroid induced osteoporosis, as evaluated by whole body mineral content measurements in premenopausal patients with short term RA, showing that deflazacort is a promising alternative in cases severe enough to require steroid therapy.


13.) Juvenile pemphigus vulgaris: efficacy of moderate doses of deflazacort.


SO - Pediatr Dermatol 1991 Sep;8(3):221-3

AU - Fimiani M; Pianigiani E; Castelli A

AD - Department of Dermatology, University of Siena, Italy.


AB - A 13-year-old girl with pemphigus vulgaris (PV) had clinical features of chronic stomatitis. The histologic and immunologic findings were typical of a diagnosis of PV. Good therapeutic results were obtained with moderate doses of deflazacort, 1 mg/kg/day slowly tapered to 0.1 mg/kg every other day. The patient had no significant side effects.


14.) Randomized, double-blind trial of deflazacort versus prednisone in juvenile chronic (or rheumatoid) arthritis: a relatively bone-sparing effect of deflazacort.


SO - Pediatrics 1991 Sep;88(3):428-36

AU - Loftus J; Allen R; Hesp R; David J; Reid DM; Wright DJ; Green JR; Reeve J; Ansell BM; Woo PM

AD - MRC Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, England.


AB - Thirty-four children with juvenile chronic (rheumatoid) arthritis were recruited to a randomized, double-blind study of deflazacort (an oxazolone derivative of prednisone) vs prednisone. All had been receiving glucocorticoid therapy for at least 1 year and required at least 5 mg/d of prednisolone (usually as 10 mg every 2 days). Thirty-one children completed the study. Bone density trends were measured in the spine by dual photon absorptiometry and in the forearm by single photon quantitative computed tomography at 3-monthly intervals. Trends (velocities) in bone and soft tissue growth were calculated. In the spine, bone growth correlated well with indices of soft tissue growth, but covariance analysis showed a significant advantage (P less than .007) of deflazacort when spinal bone mineral growth was compared to body surface area and weight. In part this was due to a temporary interruption in weight by children receiving deflazacort, whose gain in height was comparable with that of the prednisone group. Some children in both groups improved clinically and showed catch-up growth; in these children relative spinal bone mineral growth velocities were about twice those observed for height and weight. It is concluded that during the first year of deflazacort, their spinal bone mineral content at a level that was appropriate for their height and weight. Further observations are required to establish whether this advantage can be maintained subsequently. The anti-inflammatory effects of the two glucocorticoids appeared similar.


15.) Immunosuppressive effects of deflazacort - a new glucocorticoid with bone-sparing and carbohydrate-sparing properties: comparison with prednisone.


SO - J Rheumatol 1981 Sep-Oct;8(5):783-90

AU - Hahn BH; Pletscher LS; Muniain M


AB - Deflazacort is a synthetic glucocorticoid with fewer adverse effects on bone and carbohydrate metabolism than prednisone or beta-methasone. Its antiinflammatory effects have compared favorably to prednisone in European studies of rheumatoid arthritis. We compared the immune effects of prednisone and deflazacort in normal volunteers. Circulating lymphocytes were reduced similarly by equivalent doses of both drugs; monocyte numbers were reduced more by deflazacort. Each drug suppressed autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction in vitro and in vivo; this effect persisted longer with deflazacort. Deflazacort may be a superior therapeutic agent because of its lower toxicity and longer duration of one immunosuppressive effect; it might be effective in alternate day regimens.


16.) Sex hormones and bone metabolism in postmenopausal rheumatoid arthritis treated with two different glucocorticoids.


SO - J Rheumatol 1992 Dec;19(12):1895-900

AU - Montecucco C; Caporali R; Caprotti P; Caprotti M; Notario A

AD - Istituto di Patologia Medica, Universita di Pavia, Italy.

MJ - Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Steroidal [therapeutic use]; Arthritis, Rheumatoid [drug therapy] [metabolism]; Bone and Bones [metabolism]; Menopause [metabolism]; Prednisone [therapeutic use]; Pregnenediones [therapeutic use]; Sex Hormones [blood]

MN - Adult; Aged, 80 and over; Aged; Androstenedione [blood]; Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Steroidal [adverse effects]; Arthritis, Rheumatoid [blood]; Bone Density [physiology]; Estradiol [blood]; Menopause [blood]; Middle Age; Osteocalcin [blood]; Prasterone [analogs & derivatives] [blood]; Prednisone [adverse effects]; Pregnenediones [adverse effects]; Progesterone [blood]

MT - Comparative Study; Female; Human; Support, Non-U.S. Gov't


AB - To investigate the effect of low doses of 2 different glucocorticoids on bone mass, sex hormone status and bone metabolic indices, a study was undertaken in 16 postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving 15 mg/day of deflazacort and in 16 patients with RA matched for age, years postmenopause and disease duration, receiving 10 mg/day of prednisone. Sixteen healthy postmenopausal women and 16 nonsteroid treated patients with RA were also studied as control groups. Vertebral bone density (vBMD) was lower (mean +/- SD: 0.65 +/- 0.07 vs 0.73 +/- 0.09 g/cm2; p 0.02) in prednisone treated patients than in deflazacort treated patients, whose vBMD values were similar to those of nonsteroid treated RA. No significant difference was found as for radial bone mineral content. Circulating levels of estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, androstenedione and progesterone were low in all patient groups with RA when compared with healthy controls. The prednisone treated patients showed significantly lower values of all sex hormones with respect to deflazacort treated patients. Osteocalcin values were also lower (3.0 +/- 1.4 vs 3.9 +/- 1.6 ng/ml; p 0.05) in prednisone treated patients with respect to deflazacort treated group. Glucocorticoid treated patients showed a direct correlation (r2 = 0.39) between vBMD and plasma estradiol levels, while no correlation was found with osteocalcin values. In conclusion, our postmenopausal patients with RA treated with low dose prednisone had reduced levels of sex hormones and osteocalcin and reduced vertebral bone mass. Comparable doses of deflazacort showed only a mild inhibitory effect on sex hormones and osteocalcin, and did not show any detectable effect on bone mass.


17.) CALCORT®- DeflazacortUSO ADULTO E PEDIÁTRICO in portuguese


CALCORT®- Deflazacort 

















Caixas com 20 


Caixas com 10 


Frascos com 13 ml.

forma farmacêutica e apresentação 



Cada comprimido contém:

deflazacort ................................... .................................. 6 mg

Excipientes q.s.p.................................................................... 1 comprimido

( lactose, amido de milho, avicel, estearato de magnésio)


Cada comprimido contém:

deflazacort..................................................................... 30 mg

Excipientes q.s.p.................................................................... 1 comprimido

(lactose, amido de milho, avicel, estearato de magnésio)


Cada ml contém:


Excipientes q.s.p............................................................1,00 ml

(silicato de alumínio e magnésio, carboximetilcelulose sódica, álcool benzílico, sorbitol solução 70%, polissorbato 80, ácido acético solução à 10%, água purificada) Cada gota contém 1 mg de deflazacort.



Conservar em lugar fresco e ao abrigo da luz.

Prazo de validade: vide cartucho. Não use medicamento com prazo de validade vencido.

Siga corretamente as instruções do seu médico quanto ao emprego do produto, não interrompendo ou modificando o tratamento sem antes consultá-lo. Informe a seu médico se estiver grávida, amamentando ou se ficar grávida durante o tratamento.

Qualquer reação desagradável deve ser comunicada ao médico. Podem ocorrer: problemas gastrintestinais e visuais, agitação, inchaço, alterações menstruais.

Informe ao médico caso você tenha problemas de coração, de rim ou gastrintestinais, diabete, infecções, herpes simplex ocular, miastenia grave, pressão alta, osteoporose, problemas neurológicos, hipotiroidismo, cirrose, se está estressado, se vai tomar alguma vacina, se tem ou já teve alergia ao deflazacort ou se estiver tomando outros medicamentos.

Após tratamento prolongado, a interrupção do tratamento deve ser feita lenta e gradualmente, para evitar a síndrome de retirada, na qual podem ocorrer febre, dor muscular, dor articular e mal estar geral.



informação ao paciente 


DEFLAZACORT é um glicocorticóide com propriedades antiinflamatórias e imunossupressoras indicado para o tratamento de:

Doenças reumáticas: artrite reumatóide, artrite psoriásica, espondilite anquilosante, artrite gotosa aguda, osteoartrite pós-traumática, sinovite por osteoartrite, bursite aguda e sub-aguda, tenossinovite aguda não específica, epicondilite.

Doenças do tecido conjuntivo: lupus eritematoso sistêmico, dermatomiosite sistêmica (polimiosite), cardite reumática aguda, polimialgia reumática, poliarterite nodosa, arterite temporal, granulomatose de Wegener. 

Doenças dermatológicas: pênfigo, dermatite herpetiforme bolhosa, eritema multiforme grave (Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson), dermatite exfoliativa, micose fungóide, psoríase grave, dermatite seborréica grave.

Estados alérgicos: controle de reações alérgicas graves ou incapacitantes que não respondem a drogas não-esteroidais, rinite alérgica sazonal ou perene, asma brônquica, dermatite de contato, dermatite atópica, doença do soro, reações de hipersensibilidade a drogas.

Doenças respiratórias: sarcoidose sistêmica, síndrome de Loeffler, sarcoidose, pneumonia alérgica ou por aspiração, fibrose pulmonar idiopática.

Doenças oculares: inflamação da córnea, uveíte posterior difusa e coroidite, oftalmia simpática, conjuntivite alérgica, ceratite, coriorretinite, neurite óptica, irite e iridociclite, herpes zoster ocular.

Distúrbios hematológicos: púrpura trombocitopênica idiopática, trombocitopenia secundária, anemia hemolítica auto-imune, eritroblastopenia, anemia hipoplástica congênita (eritróide).

Doenças gastrintestinais: colite ulcerativa, enterite regional, hepatite crônica.

Doenças neoplásicas: leucemia, linfomas, mieloma múltiplo.

Doenças neurológicas: esclerose múltipla em exacerbação.

Doenças renais: síndrome nefrótica.

Doenças endócrinas: insuficiência suprarrenal primária ou secundária (a hidrocortisona ou cortisona são as drogas de escolha; DEFLAZACORT, devido ao seus poucos efeitos mineralocorticóides, deve ser usado em conjunto com um mineralocorticóide), hiperplasia supra-renal congênita, tiroidite não supurativa.

Devido à propriedade protetora dos ossos, DEFLAZACORT pode ser a droga de escolha para pessoas que necessitam de tratamento com glicocorticóides, especialmente aqueles que apresentam maior risco de osteoporose. Seus reduzidos efeitos diabetogênicos tornam DEFLAZACORT o glicocorticóide sistêmico de escolha em pacientes diabéticos e pré-diabéticos.



Os glicocorticóides possuem ação antiinflamatória e imunossupressora e são usados terapeuticamente em uma grande variedade de doenças.

Comparado à prednisona, em doses antiinflamatórias equivalentes, deflazacort proporciona:

- menor inibição da absorção intestinal de cálcio e um menor aumento na sua excreção urinária.

. redução significativamente menor no volume ósseo trabecular e conteúdo mineral ósseo.

. reduzidos efeitos diabetogênicos em pessoas normais, indivíduos com história familiar de diabetes e pacientes diabéticos.

Após a administração oral, deflazacort é bem absorvido e imediatamente convertido pelas esterases plasmáticas ao metabólito ativo, o qual alcança concentrações plasmáticas em 1,5 a 2 horas. Possui ligação protéica de 40% e meia-vida plasmática de 1,1 a 1,9 horas. A eliminação ocorre principalmente pelos rins, sendo 70% da dose administrada excretada pela urina e o restante pelas fezes.



Contra-indicado em pacientes com hipersensibilidade ao deflazacort ou a qualquer um dos componentes da fórmula.



Não existem estudos adequados de reprodução humana com glicocorticóides. Têm sido descritos efeitos teratogênicos em animais por uso de glicocorticóides. O uso durante a gravidez ou lactação deve ser feito somente quando os benefícios superarem os riscos potenciais de seu uso. Crianças cujas mães receberam glicocorticóides durante a gravidez devem ser cuidadosamente observadas em relação a possíveis sinais de hipoadrenalismo.

Os glicocorticóides são excretados no leite materno e podem causar supressão do crescimento e hipoadrenalismo nos lactentes, portanto, mães tratadas com glicocorticóides devem ser advertidas para que não amamentem.

uso durante a gravidez e lactação 


Pacientes em tratamento ou que se submeterão a tratamento com glicocorticóides e que comprovadamente estão submetidos a um estresse não habitual, podem necessitar de uma dose maior antes, durante e depois da condição estressante (vide Posologia e Forma de Administração).

Os corticosteróides podem mascarar alguns sinais das infecções ou podem aparecer novas infecções durante seu uso. Pacientes com infecções ativas (virais, bacterianas ou micóticas) devem ser cuidadosamente controlados. Em pacientes com tuberculose ativa ou latente, a terapia deve limitar-se aos casos nos quais deflazacort é utilizado conjuntamente com o tratamento antituberculoso adequado.

O uso prolongado de glicocorticóides pode produzir catarata posterior subcapsular ou glaucoma.

Durante o tratamento com glicocorticóides, os pacientes não devem receber imunizações, especialmente em altas doses, devido à possibilidade de disseminação de vacinas vivas (ex: anti-variólica), e/ou falha na resposta dos anticorpos.

A supressão da função hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal induzida por glicocorticóides é dependente da dose e duração do tratamento. O restabelecimento ocorre gradualmente após redução da dose e interrupção do tratamento. Entretanto, uma relativa insuficiência pode persistir por alguns meses depois da suspensão do tratamento; portanto, em qualquer situação estressante, o tratamento deve ser reinstituído.

Considerando que a secreção mineralocorticóide pode estar prejudicada, deve-se administrar concomitantemente sais e/ou mineralocorticóides.

Após terapia prolongada, a retirada de glicocorticóides deve ser lenta e gradual para evitar a síndrome de retirada: febre, mialgia, artralgia e mal estar geral. Isso também pode ocorrer em pacientes sem evidência de insuficiência adrenal.

O uso de DEFLAZACORT requer cuidados especiais nas seguintes condições clínicas:

. cardiomiopatias ou insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (devido ao aumento da retenção de água), hipertensão, manifestações tromboembólicas. Os glicocorticóides podem causar retenção de sal e água e aumento da excreção de potássio. Pode ser necessário adotar uma dieta com suplementação de potássio e restrição de sal. 

. gastrite ou esofagite, diverticulite, colite ulcerativa, anastomose intestinal recente, úlcera péptica ativa ou latente.

. diabetes mellitus, osteoporose, miastenia grave, insuficiência renal.

. instabilidade emocional ou tendências psicóticas, epilepsia.

. hipotiroidismo e cirrose (condições que podem aumentar os efeitos dos glicocorticóides).

. herpes simplex ocular devido à possível perfuração da córnea.

. o uso pediátrico prolongado pode suprimir o crescimento e o desenvolvimento.

Considerando que as complicações do tratamento com glicocorticóides são dependentes da dose e duração do tratamento, deve-se definir a dose, duração do tratamento, bem como do tipo de terapia (diária ou intermitente) baseado na relação risco/benefício para cada paciente.

precauções e advertências 


Embora não tenham sido detectadas interações medicamentosas durante as investigações clínicas, deve-se tomar os mesmos cuidados que para outros glicocorticóides (por exemplo, pode ocorrer diminuição dos níveis de salicilato, aumento do risco de hipocalemia com o uso concomitante com digitálicos ou diuréticos, anticolinesterásicos, substâncias que alteram o metabolismo dos glicocorticóides como: rifampicina, barbituratos e difenilhidantoína). A eritromicina e os estrógenos podem aumentar os efeitos dos corticosteróides. Os corticóides podem alterar os efeitos dos anticoagulantes do tipo cumarínico.

interações medicamentosas 


Os glicocorticóides causam reações adversas, as quais são relacionadas com a dose e duração do tratamento: aumento da suscetibilidade às infecções, efeitos gastrintestinais (dispepsia, ulceração péptica, perfuração da úlcera péptica, hemorragia e pancreatite aguda, especialmente em crianças), alterações do equilíbrio hidro-eletrolítico, balanço negativo do nitrogênio, fraqueza músculo-esquelética (miopatia e fraturas), fragilidade e afinamento da pele, atraso no processo de cicatrização, acne, alterações neuropsiquiátricas (cefaléia, vertigem, euforia, insônia, agitação, depressão, hipertensão endocraniana, convulsões, pseudotumor cerebral em crianças), reações oftálmicas (catarata posterior subcapsular, aumento da pressão intraocular), supressão da função hipotalâmica-hipófise-adrenal, alterações corporais (distribuição cushingóide, aumento de peso e "cara de lua cheia"), hirsutismo, amenorréia, diabetes mellitus, diminuição do crescimento em crianças e raros casos de reações alérgicas.

Têm-se evidenciado uma menor incidência de reações adversas a nível ósseo e do metabolismo dos carboidratos com DEFLAZACORT quando comparado a outros glicocorticóides.

reações adversas 


A dose necessária é variável e deve ser individualizada de acordo com a doença a ser tratada e a resposta do paciente.


Dose inicial: 6 a 90 mg/dia, dependendo da gravidade dos sintomas.

Crianças: 0,22 a 1,65 mg/kg/dia ou em dias alternados. Cada gota contém 1 mg de deflazacort.

Assim como para outros glicocorticóides, a suspensão do tratamento deve ser feita reduzindo-se gradualmente a dose de deflazacort.

Em doenças menos graves, doses mais baixas podem ser suficientes, enquanto que as graves podem requerer doses maiores. A dose inicial deve ser mantida ou ajustada até a obtenção de uma resposta clínica satisfatória. Se esta não ocorrer, o tratamento deve ser interrompido e substituído por outro. Depois de se alcançar uma resposta inicial favorável, a dose de manutenção adequada deve ser determinada pela diminuição da dose inicial em pequenas frações até alcançar a menor dose capaz de manter uma resposta clínica adequada.

Manutenção: os pacientes devem ser controlados cuidadosamente, identificando os sinais e sintomas que possam indicar a necessidade de se ajustar a dose, incluindo alterações no quadro clínico resultante da remissão ou exacerbação da doença, resposta individual à droga e efeitos do estresse (por ex.: cirurgia, infecção, traumatismo). Durante o estresse, pode ser necessário aumentar temporariamente a dose.

posologia e modo de usar 


Na superdosagem aguda, recomenda-se tratamento de suporte sintomático. A DL 50 oral é maior que 4000 mg/kg em animais de laboratório.




Av. Mário Lopes Leão, 1500 - Santo Amaro - São Paulo


18.) CALCORT- Deflazacort ADULT USE AND PEDIÁTRICO in english

















Boxes with 20 


Boxes with 10 


Bottles with 13 ml.

pharmaceutical form and presentation 



Each tablet contains:

deflazacort 6 mg

Excipientes q.s.p 1 compressed

(lactose, starch of maize, magnesium avicel, stearate)


Each tablet contains:

deflazacort 30 mg

Excipientes q.s.p 1 compressed

(lactose, starch of maize, magnesium avicel, stearate)


Each ml contains:

deflazacort...................................................................22, 75mg

Excipientes q.s.p............................................................ 1.00 ml

(silicate of aluminum and magnesium, carboximetilcelulose sódica, benzilic alcohol, sorbitol solution 70%, polissorbato 80, acid acético solution to 10%, purificada water) Each drop contains 1 mg of deflazacort.



Under the cover of to conserve in cool place and the light.

Stated period of validity: vide cartridge. It does not use medicine with validity stated period looser.

It correctly follows the instructions of its doctor how much to the job of the product, not interrupting or modifying the handling without before consulting it. It informs its doctor will be pregnant, suckling or if to be pregnant during the handling.

Any disagreeable reaction must be communicated the doctor. They can occur: gastrintestinais and visual problems, menstrual agitation, swell, alterations.

It informs the doctor in case that you he has heart problems, of kidney or gastrintestinais, diabete, infections, herpes simplex ocular, miastenia serious, high pressure, osteoporose, neurological problems, hipotiroidismo, cirrhosis, if it is estressado, if it goes to take some vaccine, if it has or already it had alergia to deflazacort or one will be being overcome other medicines.

Handling after drawn out, the interruption of the handling must be made slow and gradually, to prevent the withdrawal syndrome, in which fever, muscular pain, pain can occur to articulate and badly to be general.



information to the patient 


DEFLAZACORT is a glicocorticóide with antiinflammatory and imunossupressoras properties indicated for the handling of:

Rheumatic illnesses: reumatóide artrite, psoriásica artrite, anquilosante espondilite, acute gotosa artrite, after-traumatic osteoartrite, sinovite for osteoartrite, acute and sub-acute bursite, not specific acute tenossinovite, epicondilite.

Illnesses of the fabric conjunctive: lupus eritematoso sistêmico, sistêmica dermatomiosite (polimiosite), acute rheumatic cardite, rheumatic polimialgia, knotted poliarterite, secular arteritis, granulomatose of Wegener. 

Dermatological illnesses: pênfigo, bolhosa herpetiforme dermatitis, eritema multiform serious (Syndrome of Stevens-Johnson), serious exfoliativa dermatitis, micose fungóide, psoríase, serious seborréica dermatitis.

Alérgicos states: control of serious or incapacitantes alérgicas reactions that do not answer the não-esteroidais drugs, sazonal or perennial alérgica rinite, brônquica asthma, dermatitis of contact, atópica dermatitis, illness of the serum, reactions of hipersensibilidade the drugs.

Respiratory illnesses: sarcoidose sistêmica, syndrome of Loeffler, sarcoidose, alérgica pneumonia or for aspiration, fibrose pulmonary idiopática.

Ocular illnesses: inflammation of the córnea, diffuse posterior uveíte and coroidite, likeable oftalmia, alérgica conjuntivite, ceratite, coriorretinite, optic neurite, irite and iridociclite, herpes to zoster ocular.

Hematológicos riots: idiopática, trombocitopenia púrpura trombocitopênica secondary, anemia auto-immune, eritroblastopenia hemolítica, anemia congenital hipoplástica (eritróide).

Gastrintestinais illnesses: ulcerativa colite, regional enterite, chronic hepatitis.

Neoplásicas illnesses: multiple leukemia, linfomas, mieloma.

Neurological illnesses: multiple sclerosis in exacerbação.

Renais illnesses: nefrótica syndrome.

Endócrinas illnesses: primary or secondary suprarrenal insufficience (hidrocortisona or cortisone is the choice drugs; DEFLAZACORT, which had to its few mineralocorticóides effect, must be used in set with a mineralocorticóide), hiperplasia supplies-renal congenital, not supurativa tiroidite.

Due to protective property of the bones, DEFLAZACORT can be the drug of choice for people who need handling with glicocorticóides, especially those that present greater risk of osteoporose. Its reduced diabetogênicos effect become DEFLAZACORT the sistêmico glicocorticóide of choice in diabéticos patients and daily pay-diabéticos. *** 


Contraindicated in patients with hipersensibilidade to deflazacort or any one of the components of the formula. 

against-indicaçõesUSO DURING the PREGNANCY and LACTAÇÃOíndice 

Adequate studies of reproduction do not exist human being with glicocorticóides. They have been described teratogênicos effect in animals for use of glicocorticóides. The use during the pregnancy or lactation must only be made when the benefits to surpass the potential risks of its use. Children whose mothers had received glicocorticóides during the pregnancy must carefully be observed in relation the possible signs of hipoadrenalismo. 

The glicocorticóides are excretados in maternal milk and can cause blanking of the growth and hipoadrenalismo in the suckles, therefore, mothers dealt with glicocorticóides must be warned so that they do not suckle. 

use during the pregnancy and lactaçãoPRECAUÇÕES and ADVERTÊNCIASíndice 

against-indicaçõesUSO DURING the PREGNANCY and LACTAÇÃOíndice 

Adequate studies of reproduction do not exist human being with glicocorticóides. They have been described teratogênicos effect in animals for use of glicocorticóides. The use during the pregnancy or lactation must only be made when the benefits to surpass the potential risks of its use. Children whose mothers had received glicocorticóides during the pregnancy must carefully be observed in relation the possible signs of hipoadrenalismo. 

The glicocorticóides are excretados in maternal milk and can cause blanking of the growth and hipoadrenalismo in the suckles, therefore, mothers dealt with glicocorticóides must be warned so that they do not suckle. 

use during the pregnancy and lactaçãoPRECAUÇÕES and ADVERTÊNCIASíndice 

Patients in handling or that they will submit the handling with glicocorticóides and that comprovadamente they are submitted to one estresse not habitual, can need a bigger dose before, during and after the estressante condition. 

The corticosteróides can mask some signs of the infections or can appear new infections during its use. Patients with active infections (you capsize, bacterial or micóticas) must carefully be burst. In patients with active or latent tuberculosis, the therapy must limit it the cases in which deflazacort is used jointly with the adjusted antituberculoso handling. 

The drawn out use of glicocorticóides can produce cataract posterior to subcapsular or glaucoma. 

During the handling with glicocorticóides, the patients do not have to receive immunizations, especially in high doses, due to possibility of disseminação of alive vaccines (former: anti-variólica), and/or fails in the reply of the antibodies. 

The blanking of the induced hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal function for glicocorticóides is dependent of the dose and duration of the handling. The reestablishment gradually occurs after reduction of the dose and interruption of the handling. However, a relative insufficience can persist for some months after the suspension of the handling; therefore, in any estressante situation, the handling must be reinstituído. 

Considering that the mineralocorticóide secretion can be harmed, it must be managed concomitantly you leave and/or mineralocorticóides. 

Therapy after drawn out, the withdrawal of glicocorticóides must be slow and gradual to prevent the withdrawal syndrome: fever, mialgia, arthralgia and badly to be general. This also can occur in patients without evidence of adrenal insufficience. 

The DEFLAZACORT use requires cares special in the following clinical conditions: 

cardiomiopatias or congestiva cardiac insufficience (had to the increase of the water clamping), tromboembólicas hipertensão, manifestations. The glicocorticóides can cause clamping of salt and water and increase of the excreção of potassium. It can be necessary to adopt a diet with suplementação of potassium and restriction of salt. 

gastrite or esofagite, diverticulite, ulcerativa colite, recent intestinal anastomosis, active or latent peptic ulcer. 

diabetes mellitus, osteoporose, serious miastenia, renal insufficience. 

emotional instability or psychotic trends, epilepsy. 

hipotiroidismo and cirrhosis (conditions that can magnify the effect of the glicocorticóides). 

simplex herpes ocular due to possible hole of the córnea. 

the drawn out pediátrico use can suppress the growth and the development. 

Considering that the complications of the handling with glicocorticóides are dependents of the dose and duration of tr 

Considering that the complications of the handling with glicocorticóides are dependents of the dose and duration of the handling, it must be defined the dose, duration of the handling, as well as of the type of therapy (daily or intermittent) based in the risco/benefício relation for each patient. 

precautions and advertênciasINTERAÇÕES MEDICAMENTOSASíndice 

Although they have not been detected medicamentosas interactions during the clinical inquiries, it must be taken the same cares that stop other glicocorticóides (for example, can occur reduction of the salicylate levels, increase of the risk of hipocalemia with the concomitant use with digitálicos or diuréticos, anticolinesterásicos, substances that modify the metabolism of the glicocorticóides as: rifampicina, barbituratos and difenilhidantoína). The eritromicina and the estrógenos can magnify the effect of the corticosteróides. The corticóides can modify the effect of anticoagulants of the cumarínico type. 

interactions medicamentosasREAÇÕES ADVERSASíndice 

The glicocorticóides cause adverse reactions, which are related with the dose and duration of the handling: gastrintestinais increase of the susceptibility to the infections, effect (dispepsia, peptic ulceração, hole of the peptic ulcer, hemorrhage and acute pancreatite, especially in children), alterations of the hidro-electrolytic balance, minus rocking of nitrogen, weakness muscle-esquelética (miopatia and breakings), fragility and afinamento of the skin, delay in the cicatrização process, neuropsiquiátricas acne, alterations (chronic headache, vertigo, euphoria, insônia, agitation, depression, endocraniana hipertensão, convulsions, cerebral pseudotumor in children), oftálmicas reactions (posterior cataract to subcapsular, increase of the pressure to intraocular), corporal blanking of the hipotalâmica-hipófise-adrenal function, alterations (cushingóide distribution, increase of weight and " full moon face " hirsutismo, amenorrhea, diabetes mellitus, reduction of the growth in children and rare cases of alérgicas reactions. 

They have proven a lesser incidence of adverse reactions the ósseo level and the metabolism of the carboidratos with DEFLAZACORT when compared with other glicocorticóides. 

reactions adversasPOSOLOGIA and MODE DE USARíndice 

The necessary dose is variable and must be individualizada in accordance with the illness to be treated and the reply to the patient. 

Adults: Initial dose: 6 the 90 mg/dia, depending on the gravity of the symptoms. 

Children: 0.22 the 1.65 mg/kg/dia or in alternating days. Each drop contains 1 mg of deflazacort. 

As well as for other glicocorticóides, the suspension of the handling must gradually be made scrumbling the dose of deflazacort. 

In less serious illnesses, lower doses can be enough, while that the serious ones can require bigger doses. The initial dose must be kept or be justifd until the attainment of a satisfactory clinical reply. If this not to occur, the handling must be interrupted and be substituted by another one. After if reaching a favorable initial reply, the dose of adequate maintenance must be determined by the reduction of the initial dose in small fractions until reaching the lesser dose capable to keep adequate a clinical reply. 

Maintenance: the patients must carefully be burst, identifying the signs and symptoms that can indicate the necessity of if justifying to the dose, including alterations in the resultant clinical picture of remission or exacerbação of the illness, individual reply to the drug and effect of it estresse (for former: surgery, infection, trauma). During it estresse it, can be necessary to magnify the dose temporarily. 

dosage and mode of usarSUPERDOSAGEMíndice 

In the acute superdosagem, handling of symptomatic bed sends regards. Verbal DL 50 is greater that 4000 mg/kg in laboratory animals. 



Hoechst Marion Roussel S.a Av. Mário Lopes Leão, 1500 - Saint Amaro - São Paulo 




Produced by Dr. José Lapenta R.


Venezuela 1.998-2.024

Producido por Dr. José Lapenta R. Dermatólogo
Venezuela 1.998-2.024

Tlf: 0414-2976087 - 04127766810


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