Dermagic/Express presenta un nuevo servicio a los múltiples USUARIOS que visitan esta página web. La revista Dermatología y de Medicina la cual será publicada mensualmente con 10-20 artículos (abstractos), de relevancia para DERMATÓLOGOS y MÉDICOS GENERALES, así como también para los numerosos pacientes y público en general en Venezuela y alrededor del mundo que visitan el DERMAGIC. Esperando que les guste a todos.
Esta revista solo se editó y publicó durante dos años, debido a las múltiples ocupaciones que tuve, sin embargo alli encontraras mas 200 artículos que hoy día siguen vigentes, y por ello decidí colocarla en este servidor, pues como he dicho en numerosas ocasiones, las publicaciones, los artículos NO CADUCAN, NO TIENEN OBSOLESCENCIA PROGRAMADA.
El total de las PUBLICACIONES de estos años fueron revisadas y ACTUALIZADAS al año 2024. Podrás notar que son REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS, que complementan los TEMAS principales, y NOTICIAS tanto médicas como dermatológicas de interés, repito con vigencia que NO tienen caducidad.
Dr José Lapenta R.
Dermagic/Express introduces a new service to the multiple USERS that visit this WEB SITE. The JOURNAL of DERMATOLOGY and MEDICINE which will be published monthly with 10-20 articles (abstract) of relevance, for DERMATOLOGIST and GENERAL MEDICINE, as well as for the numerous patients and people in Venezuela and around the world, that the DERMAGIC visits. Hoping you all like it.
This magazine was only edited and published for two years, due to the many occupations I had, however there you will find more than 200 articles that are still valid today, and that is why I decided to place it on this server, because as I have said on numerous occasions, publications and articles DO NOT EXPIRE, THEY DO NOT HAVE PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE.
All PUBLICATIONS from these years were reviewed and UPDATED to the year 2024. You will be able to notice that they are BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES, which complement the main TOPICS, and both medical and dermatological NEWS of interest, I repeat with validity that they do NOT have an expiration date.
Dr José Lapenta R.
En estos enlaces puedes leer las revisiones bibliográficas del año 2004 sobre MEDICINA Y DERMATOLOGÍA. Haga click sobre CADA MES para leer las publicaciones, debajo de cada uno de ellos, encontrarás el listado de 10 a 22 artículos que corresponden a ese mes. !! !
In these links you can read the bibliographic reviews of the year 2004 on MEDICINE AND DERMATOLOGY. Click on EACH MONTH to read the publications, below each one, you will find the list of 10 to 22 articles that correspond to that month. !! !
AÑO 2004 / YEAR 2004
1.) Journal January 2004 / Revista Enero 2004. (Updated 2024)
2.) Journal February 2004 / Revista Febrero 2004. (Updated 2024)
3.) Journal March 2004 / Revista Marzo 2004. (Updated 2024)
4.) Journal April 2004 / Revista Abril 2004. (Updated 2024)
5.) Journal May 2004 / Revista Mayo 2004. (Updated 2024)
6.) Journal June 2004 / Revista Junio 2004. (Updated 2024)
7.) Journal July 2004 / Revista Julio 2004. (Updated 2024)
8.) Journal August 2004 / Revista Agosto 2004. (Updated 2024)
9.) Journal Septembre 2004 / Revista Septiembre 2004. (Updated 2024)
10.) Journal October 2004 / Revista Octubre 2004. (Updated 2024)
11.) Journal November 2004 / Revista Noviembre 2004. (Updated 2024)
En estos enlaces puedes leer las revisiones bibliográficas del año 2003 sobre MEDICINA Y DERMATOLOGÍA. Haga click sobre CADA MES para leer las publicaciones, debajo de cada uno de ellos, encontrarás el listado de 10 a 12 artículos que corresponden a ese mes. !! !
In these links you can read the bibliographic reviews of the year 2003 on MEDICINE AND DERMATOLOGY. Click on EACH MONTH to read the publications, below each one, you will find the list of 10 to 12 articles that correspond to that month. !! !
1.) Journal January 2003 / Revista Enero 2003
(Click): (Updated 2024)
1.) The efficacy and tolerability of vardenafil, a new, oral,
selective phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, in patients with
erectile dysfunction: the first at-home clinical trial
2.) B O S T O N. Dos nuevos fármacos, Cialis (tadalafil) de Lilly
y Vardenafil de Bayer, pronto aparecerán en la arena de la
disfunción sexual.
3.) Two Companies to Seek Psoriasis Drug Approval
4.) Humoral immune response to a therapeutic polyvalent cancer
vaccine after complete resection of thick primary melanoma and
sentinel lymphadenectomy.
5.) A granuloma annulare-like eruption associated with the use of
6.) [A case of acute cholestatic hepatitis associated with
orlistat] XENICAL
7.) Slimming product Reductil has been linked to 34 deaths.
8.) The BEST study: results according to prior treatment.
9.) Treatment of cutaneous calcinosis in limited systemic
sclerosis with minocycline.
10.) 5 Alpha-reductase inhibitors: what's new? DUTASTERIDE
2.) Journal February 2003 / Revista febrero 2003
(Click): (Updated 2024)
- A.) La toxicidad hepática severa se añade a la ya extensa lista de riesgos del fármaco dietético orlistat (Xenical, Alli)
1.) Massive hepatocellular necrosis [hepatocyte correction]: Was
it caused by Orlistat? XENICAL.
2.) Alefacept (Biogen). (Amevive) PSORIASIS
3.) Medium-dose ultraviolet A1 light therapy for pityriasis
lichenoides varioliformis acuta and pityriasis lichenoides
4.) Pimecrolimus identifies a common genomic anti-inflammatory
profile, is clinically highly effective in psoriasis, and is well
5.) Risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women using
hormone replacement therapy.
6.) Safety and efficacy of an oral HIV vaccine (V-1 Immunitor) in
patients with AIDS at various stages of the disease.
7.) [Benfluorex-associated valvular heart disease.]
8.) Antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction.
9.) [[Chronic lupus erythematosus presenting as acneiform
10.) [Thalidomide-induced thrombotic events: two cases].
3.) Journal March 2003 / Revista Marzo 2003
(Click): (Updated 2024)
Severe acute respiratory Syndrome.
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)..
3.) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Press briefing .
4.) Dr. Carlo Urbani of the World Health Organization dies of
5.) Cumulative Number of Reported Cases of Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) .
6.) Update 20 - Situation in China and Hong Kong SAR.
7.) Update 18 - SARS outbreak:WHO investigation team moves to
China, new travel advice announced [WHO PRESS RELEASE].
9.) Killer pneumonia: FAQs for travellers to SE Asia..
10.) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
4.) Journal April 2003 / Revista Abril 2003
(Click): (Updated 2024)
2.) Smallpox Vaccination and Cardiac Complications.
3.) A tattooed butterfly as a vector of atypical
4.) Thalidomide for treatment of severe generalized discoid lupus
lesions in two patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
5.) Cialis for impotency & erectile dysfunction.
6.) Papaya, the Wonder Fruit.
7.) Haemophilus aphrophilus Endocarditis after Tongue
8.) Is bupropion (Zyban) causing deaths?.
9.) Polycystic ovary, treatment with Insulin Lowering
10.) Finasteride cream in hirsutism.
- 11.) Systematic review of finasteride effect in women with hirsutism 2021.
- 12.) Finasteride Versus Cyproterone Acetate-Estrogen Regimens in the Treatment of Hirsutism.
- 13.) Relative Safety and Efficacy of Finasteride for Treatment of Hirsutism.
- 14.) Hirsutism in Women.
- 15.) Finasteride cream in hirsutism 2019.
5.) Journal May 2003 / Revista Mayo 2003
(Click): (Updated 2024)
1.) Recommendations on the application of vaccines in
2.) Drug linked to child deaths is still available in India
3.) The ban on Nimesulide abroad causes panic in India
3.) Use of nimesulide in Indian children must be stopped.
4.) Safety and tolerability of the dual 5alpha-reductase
inhibitor dutasteride in the treatment of benign prostatic
5.) Efficacy and safety of a dual inhibitor of 5-alpha-reductase
types 1 and 2 (dutasteride) in men with benign prostatic
6.) Levitra ./ a new oral treatment for erectile
7.) Saw palmetto for prostate disorders.
8.)Long-term clinical and biologic effects of the lipidosterolic
extract of Serenoa repens in patients with symptomatic benign
prostatic hyperplasia.
9.) Oh, NO! Not Tongue Piercing!!!
10.) Hepatitis C
6.) Journal June 2003 / Revista Junio 2003 (Click): (Updated 2024)
1.)The Influence of Finasteride on the Development of Prostate
2.) Study design of the Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms
(MTOPS) trial.
3.) The effect of finasteride on the risk of acute urinary
retention and the need for surgical treatment among men with
benign prostatic hyperplasia. Finasteride Long-Term Efficacy and
Safety Study Group.
4.) 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors: what role should they
5.) Cytologic atypia in a 53-year-old man with
finasteride-induced gynecomastia.
6.)Case report: finasteride-induced gynecomastia in a 62-year-old
7.) Incidence and severity of sexual adverse experiences in
finasteride and placebo-treated men with benign prostatic
8.) Anti-baldness drug (Finasteride) reduces cancer risk but
caution advised.
9.) Proscar: five-year experience.
10.) Long-term (7 to 8-year) experience with finasteride in men
with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
7.) Journal July 2003 / Revista Julio 2003 (Click): (Updated 2024)
1.) The diet for epilepsy.
2.) Perspectives on the metabolic management of epilepsy through
dietary reduction of glucose and elevation of ketone bodies.
3.) [Ketogenic diet as an alternative therapy for children with
refractory epilepsy: about 29 children]
4.) Formation of mucogingival defects associated with intraoral
and perioral piercing: case reports.
5.) Piercings y tatuajes, una moda peligrosa
6.) Prolonged bleeding following tongue piercing: a case report
and review of complications.
7.) Hepatotoxicity related to itraconazole: report of three
8.) An Analysis of Reports of Depression and Suicide in Patients
Treated With Isotretinoin
9.) ¿Isotretinoina eliminada del mercado ingles?
10.) Testimonial paciente tratados con Roaccutan (isotretinoina)
Ideas Suicidas !!!
8.) Journal August 2003 / Revista Agosto 2003
1.) FDA Approves Valtrex for Reducing Risk For Sexual
Transmission With Suppressive Therapy.
2.) Investigan droga contra el acné (Roaccutan) en casos de
depresión y suicidios.
3.) Mother of Suicidal Tampa Pilot Says She Will Sue Maker of
4.) Mother of 15-year-old Tampa suicide pilot blaming acne drug
for boy's death.(Roaccutane)/ 147 intentos de suicidio reporta FDA
5.) One year later, teen's mother, friend haunted by plane crash
death./ Roche Demandado por 70 millones de dolares por madre del
joven que se suicido al estrellar avioneta
6.) Constipation, polyuria, polydipsia, and edema associated with
orlistat/ (XENICAL.) efectos adversos.
7.) Orlistat e hipertensión / Xenical e hipertensión.
9.) WHAT IS DUTASTERIDE (AVODART™ AVOLVE™) /Nueva medicina para
la caida del cabello
10.) AVODART™ / DUTASTERIDE/ The Biggest News In Hair Loss
Treatment Since Propecia
11.) Synopsis of Hereditary Poikilodermatous syndromes
9.) Journal September 2003 / Revista Septiembre 2003
1.) Treatment of chronic erosive oral lichen planus with low
concentrations of topical tacrolimus: an open prospective
2.) Treatment of severe erosive gingival lesions by topical
application of clobetasol propionate in custom trays.
3.) Oral erosive/ulcerative lichen planus: preliminary findings
in an open trial of sulodexide compared with cyclosporine
(cyclosporin) therapy.
4.) Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (Plaquenil) improves oral lichen
planus: An open trial
5.) Management of recalcitrant ulcerative oral lichen planus with
topical tacrolimus.
6.) Dramatic response to levamisole and low-dose prednisolone in
23 patients with oral lichen planus: a 6-year prospective
follow-up study.
7.) [Simvastatin-induced lichen planus pemphigoides]
8.) Topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus: future directions.
9.) [The topical treatment of atrophic-erosive oral lichen planus
with fluocinonide in a bioadhesive gel, chlorhexidine and
miconazole gel. A totally open trial]
10.) The efficacy of cyclosporine for topical use in oral lichen
11.) Levamisole and/or Chinese medicinal herbs can modulate the
serum level of squamous cell carcinoma associated antigen in
patients with erosive oral lichen planus.
12.) Efficacy of fluocinolone acetonide gel in the treatment of
oral lichen planus.
10.) Journal October 2003 / Revista Octubre 2003
1.) Yasmin®, la píldora que no aumenta de peso, representa la
nueva generación de anticonceptivos.
2.) [Venous thromboembolism and combined oral contraceptives.
Reported adverse reactions indicate at least similar risk with the
most recent contraceptive pills].
3.) Yasmin advert withdrawn--why and how.
4.) A randomized study over 13 cycles to assess the influence of
oral contraceptives containing ethinylestradiol combined with
drospirenone or desogestrel on carbohydrate metabolism.
5.) Nimesulide-induced fulminant hepatitis (AULIN).
6.) Nimesulide, a Cyclooxygenase-2 Preferential Inhibitor,
Impairs Renal Function in the Newborn Rabbit.
7.) Cardiovascular thrombotic events in arthritis trials of the
cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib (CELEBREX).
8.) Dutasteride: a new 5-alpha reductase inhibitor for men with
lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic
9.) La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) presentó hoy tres
nuevos medicamentos antirretrovíricos, que serán utilizados para
tratar a tres millones de enfermos con el Síndrome de
Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (Sida) en el 2005.
10.) Thromboembolism associated with the new contraceptive
11.) Dutasteride.
12.) Effect of an oral contraceptive containing ethinyl estradiol
and drospirenone on premenstrual symptomatology and health-related
quality of life.
11.) Journal November 2003 / Revista Noviembre
2003 (Click):
1.) An experimental ointment formulation of pimecrolimus is
effective in psoriasis without occlusion.
2.) Occlusive treatment of chronic hand dermatitis with
pimecrolimus cream 1% results in low systemic exposure, is well
tolerated, safe, and effective. An open study.
3.) Topical pimecrolimus in the treatment of seborrheic
4.) Review of tadalafil in the treatment of erectile
5.) Tadalafil, a further innovation in the treatment of sexual
6.) Acute electroretinography changes during sildenafil
(Viagra) treatment for erectile dysfunction.
7.) Sexual psychophysiology and effects of sildenafil citrate
in estrogenized women with acquired genital arousal disorder and
impaired orgasm: a randomised controlled trial.
8.) Vardenafil: a review of its use in erectile
9.) Safety and efficacy of vardenafil for the treatment of men
with erectile dysfunction after radical retropubic
10.) [Clinical observation on treatment of vitiligo with
xiaobai mixture]
12.) Journal December 2003 / Revista Diciembre
2003 (Click):
1.) Expansion of vitiligo lesions is associated with reduced
epidermal CDw60 expression and increased expression of HLA-DR in
perilesional skin.
2.) Erbium:YAG laser and cultured epidermis in the surgical
therapy of stable vitiligo.
3.) Open trial of topical tacalcitol [1 alpha 24(OH)2D3] and
solar irradiation for vitiligo vulgaris: upregulation of c-Kit
mRNA by cultured melanocytes.
4.) Childhood pemphigus vulgaris treated with dapsone: a case
5.) Infectious causes of pityriasis lichenoides: a case of
fulminant infectious mononucleosis.
6.) Efalizumab for patients with moderate to severe plaque
psoriasis: a randomized controlled trial.
7.) A randomized trial of etanercept as monotherapy for
8.) Treatment of psoriasis with alefacept: correlation of
clinical improvement with reductions of memory T-cell
9.) Possible role of Malassezia furfur in psoriasis:
modulation of TGF-beta1, integrin, and HSP70 expression in
human keratinocytes and in the skin of psoriasis-affected
10.) Recent Changes of Organism and Treatment in Pyogenic
Liver Abscess].
- 1.) Expansion of vitiligo lesions is associated with reduced epidermal CDw60 expression and increased expression of HLA-DR in perilesional skin.
- 2.) Erbium:YAG laser and cultured epidermis in the surgical therapy of stable vitiligo.
- 3.) Open trial of topical tacalcitol [1 alpha 24(OH)2D3] and solar irradiation for vitiligo vulgaris: upregulation of c-Kit mRNA by cultured melanocytes.
- 4.) Childhood pemphigus vulgaris treated with dapsone: a case report.
- 5.) Infectious causes of pityriasis lichenoides: a case of fulminant infectious mononucleosis.
- 6.) Efalizumab for patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: a randomized controlled trial.
- 7.) A randomized trial of etanercept as monotherapy for psoriasis.
- 8.) Treatment of psoriasis with alefacept: correlation of clinical improvement with reductions of memory T-cell counts.
- 9.) Possible role of Malassezia furfur in psoriasis: modulation of TGF-beta1, integrin, and HSP70 expression in human keratinocytes and in the skin of psoriasis-affected patients.
- 10.) Recent Changes of Organism and Treatment in Pyogenic Liver Abscess].
Produced by Dr. José Lapenta R. Dermatologist
Producido por Dr. José Lapenta R. Dermatólogo Venezuela 1.998-2.0024